Frequently Asked Questions

Policy FAQs
Will anyone come to my house to perform an inspection?
We work with a third party inspection company to perform exterior inspections of most of the properties we insure. Since the inspectors do not need to go into your home, we do not ask them to make prior appointments with you. While the inspectors will not ask to enter your home, they will examine it from the outside and take pictures for our files. The purpose is to determine if there is an exposure to potential loss that could be corrected. This will help to protect your investment and your family, and keeps insurance rates down. Your policy booklet contains a section called “Notification of Information Practices” that provides additional information regarding our inspection program. You do not have to be present for the inspection.
What discounts are available?
We offer several discounts, many of which – including discounts based upon the age of the home or how long you have owned it – are automatically included in the premium. Additionally, your home may qualify for a discount based upon security features you may have, like being located in a gated community or having a monitored alarm system. Please login to the Customer Service Center to check whether you are receiving all applicable discounts.
How can I lower my homeowners premium?
If you would like to see how much your premium would go down if you increase your deductible or install an alarm, please login to the Customer Service Center to check pricing or ask a licensed customer service representative to help you.
Will my premium increase at time of renewal?
It may. For example, if you have a new home, you receive a discount based on the age of the home. Over time, this discount decreases, and your premium will increase correspondingly.
Do I need to contact Arizona Home if I have made any changes, additions or upgrades to my property?
Yes, in most cases. If your improvements result in increased property value, your original coverages may not provide adequate protection for you. We recommend that you notify us of these improvements so that we may assist you in determining if you would benefit from an increase to your policy coverages. Further, your policy may require you to report such improvements to us in order to receive full policy benefits in the event of a loss.
Do I need to notify Arizona Home if I change my name or add an individual to the deed for my home?
To process a name change request (either a name change or addition), please fax a copy of the deed or quit claim deed as proof that all named insureds referenced are owners of the property.
For a "Last Name" change request, please provide a copy of your marriage certificate or your updated driver's license with the new last name.
You may fax your request to 1-949-838-0019; include name, policy #, property address, and effective date. Please allow 24-48 hrs for processing. For faster priority processing, typically processed in 4 hours, please submit your request online at our Customer Service Center.
Do I need to contact Arizona Home if I move and rent my home to tenants?
Yes. Changing the occupancy and/or use of the property without notifying us may result in a reduction or elimination of coverages. If you decide to rent your home, you would need a dwelling fire policy. A dwelling fire policy is similar to a homeowners policy but does not provide coverage for items such as personal property and liability; these coverages can usually be added for a minimal charge. We offer dwelling fire policies for properties located in the states of Arizona and California.
Does my homeowners policy cover earthquake damage?
No. Earthquake quotes can be obtained by logging in to the Customer Service Center.
Does my homeowners policy cover flood damage?
Homeowners policies do not cover flood damage. If you have homeowners policy with us, you can get a flood quote by calling us directly at 1-800-234-2114. You can visit the National Flood Insurance Program of the U.S. Government at for more information about this type of coverage.
Do you offer other coverages such as auto, life insurance or umbrella policies?
No. Arizona Home only offers preferred homeowners insurance, dwelling fire insurance, condominium owners insurance, earthquake insurance and flood insurance options. Specializing in only home insurance helps Arizona Home offer lower rates, while maintaining its high quality homeowners services.
What is the maximum liability coverage you offer?
The amount of liability coverage offered depends upon the state where your home is located. Please login to the Customer Service Center to find out how much coverage is available and what it will cost to increase your liability coverage.
If I decide to cancel my Arizona Home policy before it expires, do you charge a penalty fee?
No. We do not charge a penalty or cancellation fee. We will provide to you a prorated refund of your policy premium paid to date.
Claim FAQs
Please visit our Claims page for more information.
What should I do if I have a loss?
- Report the loss to us online, using our Customer Service Center or call 1-800-927-2142.
- Take steps to make reasonable temporary repairs to protect your property and you from further damage or loss.
- If this loss is due to theft, notify the police and file a report.
- Take photographs of any damage before you clean up and save the damaged property if possible.
- Get multiple estimates for repairs from reputable sources as this may allow an adjuster to process your claim more quickly.
- Be sure to visit our Claims page.